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Really, is this so controversial? I think it illustrates something, indeed, but necessarily racism? I have friends of every race, but dating is so much more personal a thing. We are drawn to people with similar backgrounds so why not our own race? I’m actually more shocked that the majority of races aren’t as fixated on dating their own as Whites are, To me this shows the influence of a media that feeds us ideas of who is beautiful and powerful. White women dominate magazine covers, so is that what makes them the no. 1 choice of all men? White men tend to hold all the powerful positions and wealth in this country, so why wouldn’t they be the no. 1 choice of all women?

Personally, I have a strong preference for men with a VERY pale complexion and jet black hair. It’s something that I am instantly attracted to. This sort of automatically eliminates most men (even tan Caucasian men!) from the running. However, you’d think this would make Japanese guys attractive to me, but it doesn’t. If only attraction was that easy to figure out!

October 14, 2009 at 4:48 am
haydendane says:
I feel its got a lot to do with perceptions people have. People are judgmental, and as far as I am aware the west certainly does not have a good view of Asia or Africa. And i feel that has had an adverse effect on the minds of white people especially when it comes to relationships.