Addicted To Love
Does Marriage Destroy Relationships?
How to Tell If Someone Is Marriage Material
Emotional Affairs: Are They Right or Wrong?
Casual Sex After Divorce
Read the Signs: You’ll Get Lucky
The Numbers Game: Do You Judge Your Partner Based on His/Her Sexual Past?
It’s Complicated: When (And When Not) to Update your Relationship Status on Facebook
How to Break up With Someone With Style And Grace

These are really explisit XXX-RRR sites are for serious bed springing, wall thumpin’
folks who want nothing more than to be skin on skin, mature, adult fun and not the
Z site the double digit woman was on who is probably still giving signs to other not
as bad looking fella’s as I.
Oh, if you any of you know this person tell her thanks for
the nudge off Z’s site it led me to better more reality situated sites with women who are
more into giving guys not perfect looking a chance to be more than an ugly face punch-
line joke for some bitter young lady. (Oh, well it probably won’t get back to her and she’ll
savage some other poor slob just trying get a date with another person on the Z site.
That’s how life is but it doesn’t have to stay that way.
1. Monica says:
April 19, 2010 at 9:53 pm
I think it’s weird that folks get so hung up on effin numbers that they don’t see what works for them.
In my case, ever since I started on okcupid, i git alot of emails from guys. Mostly white. Why? I don’t know and frankly dont care. Yes I got screwed up emails(mostly from wannabe thugs), but i kept on the task at hand. The date I did pick ended up being a great guy. Soon after we ended up dating. It’s been a year now, so it looks pretty good.
I guess what I am saying is this: if you are a fun person..people will want to know you. If you are a stick in the mud, you will run all potiential suitors off.