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I hate the way other people talk about attractive people as if they’re fair game to be treated differently than everyone else.

Lady Raine | January 5, 2011 at 7:11 PM |
Seventy Nine–

Also, I just had an experience that compounds what you said about attractive people and dating.

I was recently talking to this one guy who wanted to date me and was very interested in me overall….but he kept saying things about how he felt I was “out of his league” (in various ways) and I didn’t feel that way at all. I thought of him as an attractive, interesting guy…..but his continued remarks about me being “too good” for him and things like that was really frustrating and also made me not really like him, because I knew already where THAT was going (ie: insecurity, constant reassurance to soothe his ego, affirmations all the time that I genuinely liked him, etc) and I just sorta said “Oh, fuck this….” and moved on to date someone different, instead.

I don’t think people with insecurity issues realize how disheartening and downright annoying it is. I liked him just fine and would have gone on enough dates with him to see what we had in common and if we liked each other but he just would NOT stop talking about things like that and showing his insecurity, issues with himself, and paranoid fears.

That makes complete sense, Desi and goes along with what I was saying…..